Simagic : beautiful quality from china

Simagic is back with a vengeance and is determined to make a name for itself. Not content with selling top-of-the-range Direct Drive bases and having, with the Alpha Mini model, enabled lower-budget gamers to obtain a crazy Direct Drive base, they’re back with another layer.

This Chinese brand, founded by Barry Lee, a former Software engineer in the electric motor industry, offers ONLY top-of-the-range products. But top-of-the-range at honest, affordable prices. Impeccable finish and top-notch feel. The brand has all the ingredients to be a major player in Simracing. Perhaps the only thing missing is a stronger marketing force to take their rightful place.

This was historically the third brand (only!!) in the sim racing world to offer a complete ecosystem. Including wheelbase, wheels, pedals, shifters, and handbrakes. All in keeping with their high-end quality standards.

Simagic’s incredible steering wheels

The most beautiful wheel I had the chance to have my hands on (and when I say that, I include GSI, Cube, Bavarian, etc…) is without a doubt the FX-Pro. This is the brand’s top-of-the-range model, which is just half the price of its rivals for the same level of finish.

The Simagic FX Pro

The luxury model of Simagic’s Formula wheel. A massive LCD screen, full LED displays, features you don’t know what to do with… In short, the model that slaps the face. And to make matters worse, just when everyone was expecting a price tag of over €1,000, Simagic came out with a price tag of less than €820! Competitors at the top end of the Formula range must be laughing out loud.

  • Diameter: 29cm
  • Materials: Carbon, plastic, metal
  • Grips: Silicone
  • Paddles: 2 carbon magnetic shift paddles, 2 DRS magnetic paddles, 2 analog clutch paddles
  • Customizable knobs: 12 adjustable backlit knobs, 4 thumbwheels, 5 centerplate knobs, 1 7-position joystick
  • Display: 4.3″ LCD
  • LEDs : 15 LEDs for lap counter and 6 LEDs for flag display.

The Simagic FX (Xtreme) Steering Wheel in brief

With prices starting at €469, a sexy design and top-of-the-range material choices, I have the faintest impression that Simagic just wants to do one thing: slap the Moza GS in the face. Do you feel the same way? In any case, I’ll do an article on the wheel duel between the GS and this new Simagic Xtreme.

  • Diameter: 29cm
  • Materials: Carbon, plastic, metal
  • Grips: Silicone
  • Paddles: 2 carbon magnetic shift paddles, 2 carbon magnetic clutch sensor paddles
  • Customizable knobs: 12 adjustable backlit knobs, 4 thumbwheels, 3 centerplate knobs, 1 multi-position knob

Simagic GT Cup Steering Wheel in brief

To drive the point home, here’s a new GT-type wheel to rejuvenate the brand’s range. At 409€, if it lives up to Simagic’s quality expectations, it will bury the old Simagic GT4 wheel for good and put Moza and even Fanatec to the sword.

  • Diameter: 32.5cm
  • Materials: Aluminum, carbon, alcantara, plastic, metal
  • Grips: Alcantara
  • Paddles: 2 carbon magnetic shift paddles, 2 carbon magnetic clutch sensor paddles
  • Customizable buttons: 8 adjustable backlit buttons, 4 rotary on wheel edges, 2 multi-position rotary, 2 rotary on front panel
  • LEDs for rpm display
  • Adjustable, backlitABS and TC signals

A brand dedicated to demanding sim racers

But before you get too excited and pull out your bank card, it might be a good idea to look closely at Simagic. Don’t be taken in by brand marketing campaigns; learn to see which ones are solid.

In fact, Simagic is a relatively new Chinese brand, having only been on the sim racing market since late 2019. Initially, they released the Direct Drive M10 base. A base with a Stepper motor and software that was certainly functional but not yet optimal. It wasn’t bad at all for a first attempt, but it still wasn’t up to the level of high-end models like the Simucube or Fanatec of the time.

The NLR-inspired QR comes from them.

Where they did innovate, however, was with the Quick Release. That’s right! Simagic created this Quick Release model with a wireless connection, inspired by the NLR models used in real-life motor racing. Since then, as you may have noticed, this model has been “borrowed” by other Chinese brands that appeared overnight.

The arrival of the Alpha range

Thanks to sales of the M10 base, the brand learned from customer feedback and developed the Simagic Alpha. A new, much more accomplished base that develops 15Nm of torque with a True Servo motor. In the wake of this development, three steering wheels made their appearance. The GT4, the GT1D with a flat, and the round GT1R.

The GT4 wheel
la base simagic alpha et ses 15nm de couple n'a pas à rougir face au Simucube 2 ou au Fanatec DD1
Simagic Alpha 15Nm base
The GT1D wheel

Like the Alpha base, these three wheels have one thing in common: a perfect finish. Granted, they’re not necessarily the most beautiful nor the most complete in terms of settings. But the finish and choice of materials are 100% impeccable. There’s not a false note to be found in the workmanship.

The arrival of the Simagic Alpha Mini

On the strength of this experience, the Chinese launched a new 10Nm torque DD base at just the right time: the Alpha Mini. It was a real masterstroke! They announced the model almost simultaneously with the announcement of the Fanatec CSL DD. In short, while Fanatec was taking the consumer Direct Drive market by storm, Simagic positioned itself as a credible alternative for sim racers looking for perfection.

If you’ve read my review or seen my video on the Alpha Mini, you know what I think of this model. It’s just great. The force feedback is magnificent; the finish is insane… It’s a killer. Here’s the link, just in case! This is currently the Direct Drive that offers the best value for money, if only in terms of hardware.

Simagic Direct Drive bases

Their very first model is no longer on sale today. Built based on an older generation engine (stepper motor), it is no longer updated by the brand, which has chosen to focus on its Alpha range (true servo motor).
le simagic alpha mini proposé à 500€ ht
With a torque of 10Nm and a price barely higher than a Moza R9 or a Fanatec CSL DD 8Nm, the Alpha Mini also offers the luxury of an impeccable finish and sensations at the top of its category.
le simagic alpha 15nm de plaisir pur !
The alpha is 15Nm of torque, as always, with a perfect finish and sensations at the top. One of the best quality/price ratios on the market!
The brand’s big model. 23Nm of torque and the ambition to attack the Fanatec DD2 and the Simucube on their own ground. And to top it all off, it’s cheaper than its direct competitors 😉

Simagic steering wheels

For almost two years, sim racers had to make do with three steering wheel models natively compatible with their bases. Fortunately, in 2022, the brand has pulled out all the stops to bring us new, highly accomplished models! Here are the models currently available:

A wheel is available in two versions: Round or flat. The design quality is perfect, the magnetic paddles are carbon, and everything fits perfectly. The only regret about this model is the lack of a few additional buttons.
Unfortunately, it is a beautiful wheel that suffered from its somewhat high price compared to the competition. The FX models now completely eclipse it in every way.
The new Gt Cup wheel elegantly gives the Simagic GT range a facelift. Next to it, the GT1 wheels inevitably have difficulty seducing.
It is a Formula wheel with impeccable performance and a ridiculous price. A great option for those who don’t have the budget for the FX Pro!
THE Formula wheel that makes you drool. Dozens of features, a massive LCD screen, complete LED displays… This is the brand’s most high-end model to date.
Finally, for those who want to create a custom wheel, Simagic has just released the GT Pro HUB. You can install a Quick Release with a 50mm pattern (NRG type for example) and steering wheels with a 70mm pattern.

Simagic accessories

Of course, an ecosystem wouldn’t be complete without a good crankset, shifter and handbrake, would it? So I’ll give you a quick overview of what the brand has in its bag:

A hydraulic pedal with a Load Cell sensor can be available in a 2 or 3-ped version. As an option, you can also change the accelerator pedal for a longer version.
The Simagic DS-8X H and sequential box offer a very high-level sensory experience for a mid-range price. 8 reverse speeds, switching from H gearbox to sequential in literally 1 second, and hardness adjustment as desired… A killer.
The brand-new handbrake is equipped with a Load Cell sensor with a capacity of 100 kg. Adjustable in every way, it gives Fanatec, and Thrustmaster handbrakes a cold sweat. All for a reasonable price.
The brand’s sequential shifter is available in two versions. The standard Q1 with four configurable buttons and advanced settings. And a smaller Q1s version, without buttons but still adjustable in feel.

The range also includes a host of small accessories, such as :

  • Quick Release adapter
  • Emergency stop button
  • Carbon heel retainer
  • Shifter lever extension
  • USB multi-socket
  • Heel piece for P2000 crankset
  • Adjustable mounting brackets for Alpha chainstays
  • Steering shaft extensions
  • Replacement Load Cell with 200Kg capacity

Where can I buy Simagic equipment?

Simagic does not sell its products directly on the European or US market. So you’ll have to go through their network of distributors. And that’s where problems can arise. For example, some distributors have no qualms about reselling unpacked equipment as if it were new. Order errors, unresponsive after-sales service… In short, depending on who you buy from, your treatment can range from heaven to hell.

I myself have had problems with two distributors in the past, but there’s one I know I can order from with my eyes closed.


Why most of the sim racers don’t know about the brand?

The problems with this brand are few but very damaging. Firstly, from a marketing point of view, they suck. Simply put, they know how to make gear, and they do it better than many others, but they don’t know how to sell it. It’s a shame, especially since in the competitive world of sim racing, if sales don’t keep up, you lose market share that’s hard to win back.

The second problem is the distribution network. The brand only sells its wheels through distributors. Except that the distributors they choose don’t have the visibility needed to really make them explode in terms of sales.

I didn’t say that their distributors didn’t know how to sell. I’m saying they’re not mainstream. And when you want to promote your brand and sell an Alpha Mini, you need a network accessible to the general public.

So little guys like Moza Racing, with the support of YouTube influencers who’ve been showered with free products, big commissions, and their ability to deliver worldwide, are ahead of the game. Even if their products aren’t as well finished. Yes, dear reader, marketing differentiates a successful brand from the others. Often much more than the intrinsic quality of the products.

What do you think of this brand?

I hope you can see a little more clearly into the range of this brand, which deserves to be known. If you have any questions, please ask me in the comments. I’ll be happy to answer them. In the meantime, I’ll eagerly await the brand’s new wheels and get ready to give you a full review!



I have always dreamed of becoming an F1 driver or an ocean liner captain. Eventually I bought a PC and started simracing. I regularly discover simracing equipment and experiences to share with you on the blog!

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